Leaders of the future / Entrеpreneurs Conference

The Leaders of the future/Entrеpreneurs Conference is the place where disruptive ideas are turned into a lucrative business.

The event will be all about bridging the gap between innovation and funding and will feature exciting keynotes, a dedicated networking area and a Startup Challenge.

The event attracts the leading stratup companies and VC / angel investors in the region. See who's who in the CEEMEA Startup scene and do not miss your chance to:

  • Showcase your ideas within the dedicated Expo section;
  • Present your company in front of potential investors;
  • Deliver a kick-off presentation on stage;
  • Meet the most disruptive startups from the CEEMEA ecosystem;
  • Hear world-renown speakers with exciting keynotes, in-depth case studies and analysis;
  • Experience unparalled networking opportunities within the comfort of a dedicated networking area and find potential partners/investors.

Main theme

Day 1 – Entrepreneurship, innovation, inspiration;
Day 2 – establishing, marketing, legal, finding investors.


Day 1 – 10 October
From To Theme Speakers Moderator Stream
11:55 12:00 Welcome address     Business and product development Stream
12:00 12:20 Interview:
How we grew busuu.com from 0 to 20m users in 4 years with less than a 1m eur in funding

Bernhard Niesner CEO and Co-Founder of busuu.com Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
12:20 12:40 Interview:
Decision theory for startups
Jochen WegnerEntrepreneur, Consultant and Journalist - Wegner.io Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
12:40 13:00 Interview:
The Future is here
Marcin Hejka Managing Director Intel Capital Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
13:00 13:20 Keynote:
Bringing the Open Web to Mobile Devices

Tristan NitotPrincipal Evangelist at Mozilla Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
13:20 13:40 Interview:
Adios Intrusive Advertising;
Hola Friend-to-Friend Marketing

Carl FritjofssonCOO and Wrapp co-founder Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
13:40 14:00 Interview:
Monetization of your ideas

Elias Ghanem General Manager Middle East and North Africa, PayPal Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
14:00 14:20 Interview:
Business Opportunities in Online Political Campaigning - Product Development Roadmap

Lucian DespoiuManaging Partner and founder KONDIMENT Group Mike ButcherEuropean Editor of TechCrunch
14:20 15:30 - Lunch Break -
15:30 15:50 Interview:
How to launch Central European startups in the US
Oliver HolleFounder of Speedinvest Robin Wauters The Next Web Local vs. Global Stream
15:50 16:10 Presentation:
The Digital Kid – Opportunities and Challenges
Badr WardCEO of Ertiqa Robin Wauters The Next Web
16:10 16:30 Interview:
Building something new: creating innovative start-ups in Europe

Glenn ShoosmithCEO of BookingBug Robin Wauters The Next Web
16:30 17:20 - Networking Break -
17:20 17:40 Interview:
Chances of the region to build global tech companies
Bartlomiej GolaPartner, CEO at Speedup Group Robin Wauters The Next Web Local vs. Global Stream
17:40 18:00 Interview:
How to realize your global opportunity from emerging market

Alexander GalitskyManaging Partner of Almaz Capital Partners and Skolkovo Board Member Robin Wauters The Next Web
18:00 18:20 Presentation:
Leave & become an enterpreneur OR stay & become an intrapreneur

Elif Bakiler Consultant e-Brain Robin Wauters The Next Web


Day 2 – 11 October
From To Theme Speakers Moderator Stream
10:00 10:20 Interview:
Investment for Social Change

Isabel Maxwell Director Israel Venture Network, World Economic Forum Ben RooneyTechnology Editor at The Wall Street Journal Europe Funding Stream
10:20 11:10 Discussion panel:
Funding opportunities for regional companies
John Bradford Partner at Springboard Sake Bosch Founder and Managing Partner of Prime Ventures Matthias Scheffelmeier Country Representative Ashoka Turkey Alexander Galitsky Managing Partner of Almaz Capital Partners and Skolkovo Board Member Ben RooneyTechnology Editor at The Wall Street Journal Europe
11:10 11:40 - Networking Break -
11:40 12:00 Interview:
To be announced
Michael Jackson Venture capitalist Ben RooneyWall Street Journal Europe Funding Stream
12:00 12:20 Interview:
Start-up Hub Europe: Why Europe needs to develop a joint Start-up Ecosystem

Andreas Tschas Co-Founder and CEO of STARTeurope Ben RooneyTechnology Editor at The Wall Street Journal Europe
12:20 12:40 Interview:
Get Interested in the Arab World

Walid Hanna Managing Partner Middle East Venture Partners Ben RooneyTechnology Editor at The Wall Street Journal Europe
12:40 14:00 - Lunch Break -
14:00 14:20 Keynote:
Launch Different

Tony Conrad Founder and CEO of about.me (acquired by Aol in 2010), Sphere (acquired by Aol in 2008), and a Founding Member and Venture Partner at True Ventures Business and product development Stream
14:20 14:40 Keynote:
Hello, world! Isn’t it time to sell your digital footprint?

Piet Hein van Dam CEO at Wakoopa
14:40 15:00 Keynote:

Rina Onur Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Peak Games  
15:00 15:45 Discussion panel:
Turkish Best Digital Entrepreneurs

Alper Akcan Founder & CEO Mikro Odeme - 3pay Altug Inci CEO and Co-founder of euro.message Arda Kertmelioglu Co-Founder and VP of Marketing, MOBILERA B.V. Rina Onur Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Peak Games To be announced
15:45 15:55 Presentation:
To be announced
Alisher HasanovCountry Manager of Yandex Turkey  
15:55 16:30 - Networking Break -
16:30 18:30 StartUp Challenge live pitching     StartUp Challenge
18:30 18:50 - Networking Break -
18:50 19:00 Announcing the winners of Webit StartUp Challenge

Appscend Autosprite Bella Dati Boomeranked CircleMe Decoreco D-Sight G&Life GNERGY Imagga InfoDif Madfoo3atCom MediaToolkit nevaHold Subscrea Tellyo WorkInField
StartUp Challenge

* The organizers retain the right to make changes in the congress conference agenda at any time.


CEOs, VPs, founders of successful startups, VCs, business angels

Jon Bradford

Managing Director at Springboard

Alper Akcan

Founder & CEO Mikro Odeme - 3pay

Carl Fritjofsson

COO and Wrapp co-founder

Alisher Hasanov

Project Manager for Turkey, Yandex

Jochen Wegner

Entrepreneur, Consultant and Journalist

Matthias Scheffelmeier

Country Representative Ashoka Turkey

Mike Butcher

European Editor of TechCrunch

Robin Wauters

European Editor of The Next Web

Tristan Nitot

Principal Evangelist Mozilla

Rina Onur

Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer of Peak Games

Badr Ward

CEO of Ertiqa

Franziska von Lewinski

CEO of Interone

Elif Bakiler

Consultant e-Brain

Glenn Shoosmith

CEO of BookingBug

Fausto Boni

General Partner at 360 Capital Partners

Isabel Maxwell

Director Israel Venture Network

Bartlomiej Gola

Partner, CEO at Speedup Group

Andreas Tschas

Co-Founder and CEO of STARTeurope

Bernhard Niesner

CEO and Co-Founder of busuu.com

Piet Hein van Dam

CEO at Wakoopa

Ben Rooney

Technology Editor at The Wall Street Journal Europe

Sake Bosch

Founder and Managing Partner of Prime Ventures

Alexander Galitsky

Managing Partner of Almaz Capital Partners and Skolkovo Board Member

Oliver Holle

Founder of Speedinvest

Lucian Despoiu

Managing Partner and founder of KONDIMENT Group

Tony Conrad

Founder & CEO of about.me (acquired by Aol in 2010), Sphere (acquired by Aol in 2008), and a Founding Member & Venture Partner at True Ventures

Marcin Hejka

Managing Director Intel Capital Eastern Europe, Middle East, Afric and Russia



400 delegates
65% entrepreneurs, bloggers
35% representatives of VC, investors, business angels, incubators

Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Strategic industry partner: Official Transportation Partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: Official interpreter partner: PR partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Organized by: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey :