Guillaume du Gardier

Guillaume du Gardier

Webit Speaker, Head of Digital Media Western & South Europe at Ferrero


Guillaume du Gardier is Head of Digital Media Western & South Europe at Ferrero. His role is to help the company integrate digital media in it's global marketing, corporate and CRM efforts while leading the ebusiness. Previously, Guillaume was in charge of New Media within Ferrero France. He has a strong PR and online communications background, having been entrepreneur for 15 years in this field prior to joining Edelman as head of Online Communications Europe. Guillaume is a regular speaker on Social Media event throughout Europe since 2006 while still active on Twitter.

Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Strategic industry partner: Official Transportation Partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: PR partner: Official interpreter partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey : Organized by: